Be happy where you are.

Written by Cole Schafer

People often think of self-awareness as self-improvement. It’s not.

Self-awareness is simply seeing yourself exactly as you are. It’s seeing the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s what inspires you, what scares you and what pisses you off. Once you’ve seen yourself exactly as you are, you can then decide what you want to change. But, this change can only happen after you’ve fully accepted yourself as you are, today, in this moment.

What I don’t like about traditional self-improvement is that it often stems from a place of shame, inadequacy and disappointment. You will put all this effort into changing who you are only to find that once you have changed you aren’t happy with the person you’ve become. When I was in my early twenties, I was always talking about moving.

Somebody much wiser than me said… “Try to be accept where you live now because otherwise you won’t accept where you live tomorrow.” I took it to heart then. I take it to heart now. Try to figure out a way to be happy where you are in life, in work and in self.