Don't find problem. Solve them.

Written by Cole Schafer

Don’t find problems. Solve them. Problem finders might appear smart in the short term for being the first person to point out the mustard on the proverbial shirt. However, with time, they become associated with bad news, spinning tires, long hours and additional revisions. You want to be the problem solver. You want to be the person who points out the mustard on the proverbial shirt and then immediately pulls out the Tide Pen. By gaining a reputation for being the kind of person that “handles shit”, you will be the one that is called in when shit hits the fan. At the organizational level, this comes down to creating a solution-oriented culture. When someone comes to you with a problem, immediately ask them what their solution is. If they don’t have a solution, ask them to find one. At the individual level, we need to challenge ourselves to never air a problem without also presenting a possible solution.We aren’t short on problems. The world is full of them. What we are lacking are people courageous enough to solve them.