So, you want to be a writer?

Written by Cole Schafer

If you want to be a writer, read this. 

Start scrolling. It will take you some time to hit the bottom. Most become bored of scrolling and quit. I’ve found the same to be true for writing. 

I write every day. No. I might not publish every day. But, in some form or fashion, I write every day. 

This daily discipline has amounted to thousands and thousands of blog posts (only a fraction of which exist on the blog as you see it today). I delete more writing in a year than most people create over the course of a lifetime. This might sound like gloating—I suppose it is—but please hear me out. 

Something extraordinary happens when you choose to show up each day and commit to your craft. Over time, forces collect around you that are beyond your understanding. Good things happen. You feel stronger physically, sharper mentally and lighter emotionally. You gain a greater respect for yourself (for respect is something you earn by keeping the promises you’ve made to yourself). You find that luck moistens life’s rails, that your creativity becomes a biosphere teeming with ideas and that your work takes on a life of its own. 

Eventually, your daily writings distill themselves down into greater, deeper works. But, you will only make this connection after the fact. And, once you do, it will not matter because you will have come to realize that your time spent writing each day is as natural and necessary as breathing. 

Please just trust me when I say: Write every day.