Solution stacking.

Written by Cole Schafer

When we are presented with a problem, conventional thinking says to come up with a solution. But, the problem/solution relationship is unique in that it is a game of odds. No solution is 100% foolproof. So, it's not simply a matter of picking the golden ticket. To give ourselves the best chances of success, we should stack solutions. We should treat solutions like a fortress whose problem is an invading army.

Constantinople had not one but four walls. One 20-foot high sea wall that stretched 5 miles along the Golden Horn bay, as well as three land walls. They also had a 60-foot wide mote, 188 watchtowers and flamethrowers. Because of this solution stacking, Constantinople remained in Roman hands for 1,000 years until it was sacked by the Ottomans in 1453.

Problem solving isn't about finding one solution but many.